VoltAIRe Program
VoltAIRe Program
CSR Vision & Governance
In the beginning...
Since its creation, Zadig&Voltaire has wanted to unite free spirits around common values and a style that reflects its aspirations. A free spirit does not mean carelessness or inconsistency. In 2021, the measures taken by the teams over time to create products with a lesser impact on the planet were brought together in a structured programme: the VoltAIRe Programme. The name reflects the programme’s main goal: protecting the air, our shared asset. Protecting the air also means preserving our art over time and our freedom to create.
By protecting the air, VoltAIRe, the brand, demonstrates its ambition to play a role, at its level, in combating air pollution and climate change and preserving biodiversity. Our goal is to drastically reduce the company’s environmental impact, while taking this opportunity to fuel its inspiration and creativity. Combining desirability and responsibility is our way of expressing our Socially-Committed Freedom.
The VoltAIRe programme marks the brand’s commitment to designing and developing products that can be loved, worn and passed on, which wear well over time and are made in a way that respects people and ecosystems. It is inclusive and aims to bring together all of the brand’s communities, teams, customers and partners.
Zadig&Voltaire’s approach is very positive, pragmatic and can be rolled out on a large scale. The VoltAIRe programme structures our actions over time to allow us to make progress each year. It is also a virtuous cycle as it involves every level of the company, every business line, all of our suppliers and, ultimately, our entire community.
Sustainable Development Governance
Sustainable development is a key part of our strategy and company plan, and concerns all of our business lines. This is reflected in the positioning of the Sustainable Development Department at the highest level within the organisation, reporting directly to the company CEO.
Management Comittee
Zadig&Voltaire’s Management Committee is made up of 12 members representing the collection and various market departments, as well as cross-functional departments including Sustainable Development. During the weekly operational review, there is a CSR update.
CSR Comite
Created in 2021, the CSR Committee meets 4 times a year to discuss strategic directions and review the main projects structuring the brand’s sustainable development approach. It is made up of all members of the Management Committee and business line specialists based the projects discussed.
To structure this ambition, Zadig&Voltaire has organised its actions into three pillars, setting itself objectives for 2025.

of key raw materials certified sustainable or with a reduced environmental impact
virgin plastic made from fossil fuels
of our packaging made from traced materials, from biobased sources, certified sustainable or recycled, and recyclable to input text into the page.
traced products
green energy in Zadig&Voltaire stores
full LED lighting
of store renovations and new store openings compliant with Zadig&Voltaire Sustainable Store standards
of products aligned with Zadig&Voltaire Sustainable Product standards

Committed with our teams
Gender equality index
of employees trained in the VoltAIRe programme
Committed with our partners
of our suppliers meet Zadig&Voltaire standards
Committed with our community
• Contribute to key collective initiatives seeking to accelerate positive transformation of our sector
• Promote empowerment
Collective Initiatives
Contributing to the fulfilment of United Nation Sustainable Development Objectives
Through the VoltAIRe programme and its objectives, and its commitments under collective initiatives intended to accelerate positive transformation, Zadig&Voltaire strives to contribute to the fulfilment of United Nation Sustainable Development Objectives, concentrating on 10 of them in particular.

Supporting collective initiatives designed to accelerate change
Convinced of the power of the collective dynamic and collaboration when addressing environmental issues, since 2021, Zadig&Voltaire has joined various key initiatives in an effort to accelerate positive change.

Canopy protects the world’s forests, species, and climate by working hand in hand with companies from around the globe to transform unsustainable supply chains, catalyze innovative Next Generation Solutions, help advance frontline community rights, and conserve vital forest ecosystems all over the world.
Zadig&Voltaire’s Forest Protection Policy

In 2022, Zadig&Voltaire started to work with the SBTi and obtained approval for its climate change objectives aligned with the 1.5°C target. A coalition of four institutions - the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), United Nations Global Compact, World Resource Institute (WRI) and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) -, the SBTi strives to define and promote best practices in order to fix climate objectives based on scientific recommendations and independently assesses companies’ objectives.

Zadig&Voltaire joined the United Nations Global Compact in 2021, making a commitment to respect and promote its 10 principles regarding human rights, international labour standards, the environment and anti-bribery. The United Nations Global Compact is the largest international sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative, bringing together 19,000 members in 164 countries.

In 2021, Zadig&Voltaire joined the Good Cashmere Standard. The Good Cashmere Standard® by AbTF is an independent standard that strives to develop a sustainable cashmere channel by improving the well-being of goats, the working conditions of farmers and the environment in which they work.

In 2021, Zadig&Voltaire joined the Leather Working Group (LWG). This organisation, made up of brands, manufacturers and various stakeholders in the leather industry, developed an audit programme that certifies tanneries based on their environmental practices and performance.

In 2023, Zadig&Voltaire joined the ICS (Initiative for Compliance and Sustainability). This body dedicated to social compliance strives to improve working conditions in companies’ international supply chains.
Assessing Progress

To learn more about our commitments and progress, download our 2022 ESG Report